Mar 8, 2010


1.3 Nationality and Registration Marks

No person shall operate a registered aircraft in Canada unless its nationality and registration marks are clean, visible and displayed in accordance with the CARs or laws of the state of registry.

Canadian nationality and registration marks for new or imported aircraft are issued, on request, by the appropriate Regional Office of Transport Canada. Should an applicant request a specific mark which is not the next available mark, it is deemed to be a “special mark” and may be obtained, if available, upon payment of a fee. Marks may be reserved for a one year period, without being assigned to a specific aircraft, also upon payment of a fee.

Aircraft registration marks are composed of a nationality mark and a registration mark. The Canadian nationality marks are the capital letters “C” or “CF”. “CF” may only be issued for vintage (“heritage”) aircraft (aircraft manufactured prior to January 1, 1957). If the nationality mark is “CF”, the registration mark is a combination of three capital letters. If the nationality mark consists only of the capital letter “C”, the registration mark is a combination of four capital letters beginning with “F” or “G” for regular aircraft (including amateur-built aircraft and advanced ultra-light aeroplanes) and is a combination of four capital letters beginning with “I” for ultra-light aeroplanes. The nationality mark shall precede and be separated from the registration mark by a hyphen.

Aircraft manufactured before January 1, 1957 are considered to be “heritage aircraft” and are eligible to display either the “C” or “CF” nationality mark. Aircraft manufactured after December 31, 1956 will be issued only “C” nationality marks. Those aircraft manufactured after December 31, 1956 which now display the “CF” nationality mark may continue to do so until such time as the aircraft is next painted, after which the aircraft shall display the “C” nationality mark, i.e., CF-XXX becomes C-FXXX. Upon changing the mark, the Transport Canada Regional Office shall be so notified in writing.

The specifications for Canadian nationality and registration marks are contained in CAR 202.01 and in accordance with the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards of the CARs. For details on the placement and size of aircraft marks, see the Aircraft Marking and Registration Standards 222.01 of the CARs.

CAR 202.04(c) provides for marks to be changed after an aircraft has been registered. This has to do with the removal or change of marks after granting of continuing registration. The aircraft may be removed from the register if it is destroyed, permanently withdrawn from service or exported. It is the responsibility of the owner to immediately notify Transport Canada if any of these events occur. The owner shall also notify Transport Canada in writing within seven days of a change in the owner’s name or permanent address.

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