Apr 28, 2010

18th annual Canadian Aviation Expo

April 27, 2010, Hamilton – The 18th annual Canadian Aviation Expo presents pilots and aviation enthusiasts with a complete lineup of new exciting aircraft, aviation accessories, education and flying experiences……all at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum.

With over 200 aviation exhibits and 100’s of aircraft…. attendees will be Flying High at this years show.

Combine this with Canada’s largest collection of Flying Vintage Aircraft, Canadian Forces Aircraft including the CF-18 fighter jet, attendees will experience Canada’s largest display of military, general aviation, business and historic aircraft, all in one location.

The Canadian Aviation Expo will be presenting several aviation seminars each day of the show and will be featuring Dr. Dave Williams, retired Canadian Astronaut who will fascinate his audience with tales of his flights and walks in space.

There will be lots for the kids to see and do at the flight education feature, The Magic of Flight.

Check out the AVRO CF- 105 Arrow display featuring a large scale model and actual pieces, including the engine, which survived the destruction of all the ARROW’S in 1959.

Experience flying first hand while at the show in one of the Museum’s Vintage Aircraft, a Helicopter or one of the many Fixed Wing Aircraft available to get your feet up off the ground and send you soaring on high.

Hours: 9-5p.m. daily

Admissions: Adult…$15, Seniors…$12, Youth (6-17)…$12…Children under 5…Free and the one admission price gets you into the Expo and the Museum


Steve Nichols, nicholssw@rogers.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it for media information and to arrange media flights.



Apr 27, 2010

BiPlane Fly In

By Dr Buck Willis , Contributing Editor, Texas
Glenn Watson, Contributing Photographer, Georgetown TX
I wanted to give you all news about our successful BiPlane FlyIn last weekend in San Marcos TX. 33 planes flew in ranging from a 1920s Great lakes to an Antanov AN-2.

We held competitions for various categories with the owners winning special awards.


Apr 23, 2010

First Canadian EAA Convention Coming This Fall

By Jack Dueck, Editor

Canadian EAA members will finally realize an opportunity for the world’s largest recreational flying organization to spread its wings north into Canada. From September 17 through 19, EAA members will be hosting their first Canadian EAA convention. It will be held in conjunction with the Vintage Wings’ “Victoria Cross” air show in Gatineau, P.Q., just 15 minutes northeast of Ottawa.

Vintage Wings of Canada is perhaps Canada’s most prestigious aviation museum of historically significant airworthy aircraft. It was founded by former Cognos CEO and philanthropist Michael Potter, and is open to the public free of charge, Monday to Saturday (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; advance notice is requested so that a hangar tour can be set up). Most of its aircraft are in flying condition, and the list of historic aircraft is most impressive.

Full story: http://www.eaa.org/bitsandpieces/articles/2010-04_convention.asp

Apr 14, 2010

Wednesday fly-out

Wow what a day!!! We had 13 chapter members in 10 airplanes fly-out to Brantford for lunch today! Weather was great for April, bumpy but expected, with light winds and superb visibility and about +15C. Let's do it again!!!

Apr 4, 2010

Monday Night Meeting guest speaker

Monday night meeting guest speaker: Chapter member Fred G. will lead us through the aviation safety newsletter recurrency review and distribute stickers.

Apr 2, 2010

Aug. 14, 1901: Before the Wright Bros., There Was Gustave

By Tony Long 08.14.07

1901: Gustave Whitehead purportedly travels a mile-and-a-half in the air aboard his birdlike monoplane. If he did, that means he flew nearly two-and-a-half years before the Wright Brothers' celebrated flight at Kitty Hawk.

There is evidence that several aviators on both sides of the Atlantic preceded Orville and Wilbur Wright into manned, heavier-than-air flight, although Whitehead's claim appears to be the best documented.

Read More http://www.wired.com/science/discoveries/news/2007/08/dayintech_0814#ixzz0jwAeaH6V